Call us now: 210-325-3070 [email protected]
When you retain Spire Investigations, you’ll be receiving service from an investigator that truly understands the legal aspects of your cases and the outcome that you desire. Spire prides itself on exceptional investigative work and delivering outstanding service to each and every client.
Spire investigations offers covert surveillance and undercover services to law firms, companies and individuals.
We are uniquely positioned to assist with investigations in both civil and criminal matters.
Whether you need to find a witness, an heir, or any other missing person, consider our team first.
Our team of professionals will conduct interviews on your behalf and provide statements and affidavits in your case.
Whether criminal or comprehensive, our background checks are thorough and meticulous.
Spire Investigations is uniquely positioned to assist you in your cases due to years of experience in legal matters and litigation.
At Spire Investigations we don’t make promises we can’t keep. Our word is our bond and we’ll do our very best in each case.
Whether working for a law firm or individual, minor matter or a complex legal case, we deliver nothing but exceptional service.
We provide you with realistic cost estimates and services at a highly competitive and affordable cost.